A very constructive and efficient online meeting was held today.We reviewed the Analysis of the project progress report provided to us by the NA and it is linked to the interim report.We also created TO DO list by the end of the project implementation. We have scheduled the next meeting for January 21, 2022 at […]
The realization of intellectual outputs was analyzed and a TO DO list was prepared by the end of the project realization.The meeting was held on November 11 and November 12, 2021
Short-term joint staff training events called:Structuring and development of L – N – A system elements,was organized by Mátrai Hegesztéstechnikai Kft in Gyöngyös, Hungary from November 8 to November 11, 2021.
The Retirement Corner is a new Facebook page of the project linked exclusively to the Pilot Project: “CLOSE THE CYCLE, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR POTENTIALS”The link of the page is: https://www.facebook.com/Kutak-za-umirovljenike-106929528452782
Today we held a very quality meeting and agreed on the next steps in the project. The meeting was very constructive and the partners cooperative with each other: All in all, a pleasant atmosphere and a great team.
This young man is 90 years old. His advice for a long life is to eat potato pie often. This will be one of the old healthy recipes that will be one of the results of an ongoing pilot program.